
Embrace your true self

For 4 days, we take a journey. An inward journey, together with a small group of people who, like you, have wounds they want to work on. The retreat aims to provide a safe(r) space to share experiences and feelings; help with healing; support personal growth and empowerment; and encourage understanding, acceptance, and solidarity among each other. The goal? To feel better! 


For who: LGBTQIA+ people with a migration background 

Everyone who defines themselves as LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Agender, Asexual, ...) with a migration background. met een migratieachtergrond. No prior knowledge or experience is required.



From Monday November 11, 2024 to Thursday November 14, 2024.



Will be shared with you once you are registered. 



Free: transport, accommodation, courses.


What do you need to do to participate? 

Participating is free. But we expect the will to work on yourself and a strong engagement in the proces that we will share with each other during those four days. 

Merhaba will invite you for an interview after you registered.


More info or inscription?

Contact us: 
0489 80 50 86
